Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009

confessions of a shopaholic

hari ini gue pagi-pagi pergi ke sekolah ama nyokap gue krn ada rapar ortu murid di 99. gue ketemu ama kunto, penny, manda, mitha, amat, zakia. rapatnya lama abis sumpah, di suratnya tuh bilangnya cuma dari jam 8 s/d 9.30 taunya ampe jam 10.30, untungnya gue & nyokap dtng jam 9 hehe.

abis dr sekolah, gue ama nyokap gue pergi ke artha gading. tujuannya sh nonton tp krn nyampe sana jam 11an jd jln2 dulu. pertama gue nyari2 sendal gitu kan tp ga dpt. abis itu ke ATM ngambil duit (iyalah, apa guna ATM kalo bkn buat ambil duit) akhirnya gue ke JAVA department store buat nyari sendal, gue beli sendah gold2 gmn gitu hehe. nah abis beli sendal gue ke XXI (tujuan semula, nonton) nyokap gue ngajak nonton confessions of a shopaholic. kita beli tiket trus nunggu (btw tempat duduk gue C12 & C13). filmnya bgs kok, nonton ya kawan!! hehehe hmm udahan ya males ngetiknya hehe ..

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Ruang 12

pagi ini gue UTS agama sm ips. agama gue sama sekali ga baca soal (ya baca sih barang 5-8 soal) soalnya td mlm tuh gue ga blajar agama ama sekali (ya gada bukunya, mau belajar ape?) jd ya buat gue susah bgt gitu. trus abis itu istirahat. abis istirahat UTS ips, nah pas ips itu tuh yg jaga si pak siapa sih tuh ga kenal (kata anak2 sih pak raharjo) kelas gue tuh berisik bgt, mana kan dpn gue si nikita, eeehh dia nyuruh jule duduk ama dia, ya udah deh jadi aje. trus ga lama anak kelas 3 duduknya ama anak kelas 3 (aturan kelas 3 duduk ama anak kelas 1) wuiiihhh pokonya rame bgt dehh. nah abis itu, kan ada soal yg nanyain ttg sungai terpanjang dunia tuh pilihannya tuh ada sungai nil ama sungai amazone kan, nah kelas gue tuh ribet bgt ama soal yg itu. ada yg bilang "sungai yg terpanjang tuh amazone tauk! sungai nil tuh gak panjang!" ada juga yg bilang gini "iiihh bukan tau, kebalik! sungai terpanjang tuh ya sungai nil, kalo sungai amazone tuh sungai besar tp ga panjang!" ada juga yg bilang gini "bentar2 gue tanya kakak gue ... tuh kata kakak gue aja sungai terpanjang tuh sungai nil tauk!" trus ada yg bilang "iiihhh tanya siti deh! siti tuh jawabannya sungai amazone tauk! ya sit ya?" dan masih banyak lagi , pada awalnya gue jawab sungai amazone gara2 ngikutin siti (yg pinter) akhirnya gue memutuskan utk menjawab sungai amazone karna itu yg gue anggep bener tp gatau deh salah apa ga hehe.

abis UTS belajar seperti biasa jam ke-5. nah pas mau istirahat bel sholat jum'at gue, nanda, kathrine izin pulang soalnya kita mau balikin formulir SMA LABSCHOOL hehe. oh ya gue dpt ruang 12 lho no tesnya 1B10472 hehe. rencananya sih gue dtngnya pagi2 bgt soalnya kudu nyari ruangannya dulu kan, macet pula di labschoolnya. btw, gue tes tgl 29 maret 2009 wish me luck okay guys! thank youuuuuu ......

gue juga minta maaf

gue juga minta maaf. iya gue tau kok yg ngatain duluan tuh bkn lo tp yg laen, gue ga bener bacanya. posting yg kata gue ngatain lo juga udah gue delete.

Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

soul mate by michael franks

I know whereof I speak
Believe me
When it comes to the subject
Of loneliness look it up you'll see
There is a picture of me

But that's ancient history now
Now when it comes to the subject
Of happiness I'm the man to see
And my advice in summary

Look for a soul mate
Someone whose love will go the Distance
Stop collecting only temporary hearts
Just find a soul mate
And then let go of your resistance
You'll live happy ever after from the start

You need a soul mate
Before your house of cards collapses
Whose devotion's like a candle in the night
Locate a soul mate
To help you navigate the rapids
That rise up along the river of your life

It's you or do my eyes deceive me?
Like divine intervention
You gave your heart to me for keeps
I knew I was in deep

This feeling I have it never leaves me
What a perfect invention
Love is It soothes the savage beast
These words of wisdom I repeat

Look for a soul mate
Someone whose love will go the Distance
Stop collecting only temporary hearts
Just find a soul mate
And then let go of your resistance
You'll live happy ever after from the start

You need a soul mate
Before your house of cards collapses
Whose devotion's like a candle in the night
Locate a soul mate
To help you navigate the rapids
That rise up along the river of your life

Look for a soul mate
Someone whose love will go the Distance
Stop collecting only temporary hearts
Just find a soul mate
And then let go of your resistance
You'll live happy ever after from the start

You need a soul mate
Before your house of cards collapses
Whose devotion's like a candle in the night
Locate a soul mate
To help you navigate the rapids
That rise up along the river of your life


yaudah, gue males main kata2an. knp sih lo ngatain gue? kan gue ga pernah ganggu lo? gue ga pernah ngapa2in, kenal aja ngga. tmen gue knp lagi coba???

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

100 truths !

1. Last beverage? chilly dog nya chubby burger
2. Last phone call? mama
3. Last text message? ananda
4. Last song you listened to? rehab - rihanna
5. Last time you cried? won't tell

1. Dated someone twice? nope
2. Been cheated on? no
3. Kissed someone & regretted it? nope
4. Lost someone special? yesssss
5. Been depressed? yes
6. Been drunk and threw up? never

1. grey
2. white
3. classic navy blue

1. Made new friends? ya
2. Fallen out of love? yep, kinda
3. Laughed until you cried? iya haha sering bgt dikelas ama nanda
4. Met someone who changed you? yes
5. Found out who your true friends were? yeees
6. Found out someone was talking about you? no
7. Kissed anyone on your friend's list? ewww .. grows
8. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life? hmm, dunno
9. How many kids do you want to have? 4, 2 girl twins and 2 boys
10. Do you have any pets? yes, a cat. it's lulu brigida
11. Do you want to change your name? yes, kylie huahahaha
12. What did you do for your last birthday? hmm eat a piece of cake
13. What time did you wake up today ? at 6
14. What were you doing at midnight last night? slept
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for? hmm can't tell you
16. Last time you saw your father? an hour ago
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? hmm nothing. i love my life
18. What are you listening to right now? superhuman
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? no
23. What's getting on your nerves right now? nothing
24. Most visited webpage? facebook, blogger

1. What's your name? nadia pramestri quamila
2. Nicknames? nadia, nad, san-san, beyonce, etc
3. Zodiac sign? capricorn
5. Male or female or transgendered? female
6. Elementary? at-taubah
7. Middle School? 99 junior high school
8. High school ? 8, 68, 21, labs, 3
10. Hair color ? black
11. Long or short ? looong
16. Height ? aboout 160
17. Do you have a crush on someone? yesss
18: What do you like about yourself? hmm
19. Piercings ? not my thing
20. Tattoos ? ngek
21. Righty or left ? righty

22. First surgery ? not yet, and never
23. First piercing ? dibilangin not my thing juga
24. First best friends ? bella
26. First sport you joined ? nope
27. First pet ? cats named frieskies & lilo
28. First vacation? hmm forgot
29. First concert ? kelas.....brp ya lupa konser biola
30. First crush ? sd

49. Eating ? no
50. Drinking ? no
52. I'm about to? take bath
53. Listening to ? nope
55. Waiting for? tomorrow

58. Want kids? yes
59. Want to get married? yes
60. Careers in mind? doctor or something like that

68. Lips or eyes ? eyes
69. Hugs or kisses ? hugs
70. Shorter or taller ? taller
71. Older or Younger ? older
72. Romantic or spontaneous ? spontaneous
73. Nice stomach or nice arms ? both
74. Sensitive or loud ? loud
75. Hook-up or relationship ? relationship

78. Kissed a stranger ? nooo!
80. Lost glasses/contacts ? nope, karena ga pake
81. Sex on first date ? never
82. Broken someone's heart ? dunno
83. Had your own heart broken ? yes
87. Cried when someone died ? YEEES
88. Liked a friend that is a boy? of course yes

89. Yourself ? yes
90. Miracles ? yes
91. Love at first sight? yes
92. Heaven? of course
93. Santa Claus? nope
95. Kiss on the first date? no
96. Angels? yes

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? hmm yes
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? 1 aja belom -_-
99. Will you repost this? hmm
100. Did you lie on any of these questions? no

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

kucing baruuu - Lulu Brigida

kemaren minggu 1 maret 2009
gue pagi-pagi masih TO seperti biasa, pulang TO gue dijemput bokap gue. nah siangnya tuh gue pergi ke rumah nenek gue di bekasi gara2 bokap gue mau ngomongin masalah om gue yg mau kawin itu loh. nah trus pas rada2 sore om gue dtng, trus ngomongin masalah itu deh. nah pas udah malem kan gue uadah mau pulang tuh, eehh ceweknya om gue nelpon trus ngomong2 apa gtu, nah trus kayanya si ceweknya om gue tuh kan banyak kucing piaraan trus dia nawarin satu, ya gue trima dgn lapang dada lah. nah ga lama kemudian pembantunya dtng jalan kaki ke rmh nenek gue (jalan kaki karena rumahnya ceweknya om gue cuma laen blok ama rmh nenek gue), pembantunya ceweknya om gue dtng bersama seekor kucing kecil. 3 warna yaitu putih, item, coklat keren deh hihi. kata ceweknya om gue si kucing ini namanya lulu. trus gue panggil lulu deh sambil gue elus2 hehe. ga lama maen kucing gue pulang ke rmh ampe rmh namanya gue tambahin brigida (gatau knp, tp nama itu yg muncul di kepala gue) gue bikinin susu, gue ksih makan pokoke mantep deh hehe

Minggu, 01 Maret 2009

sabtu yang sibuk

kemaren lusa, sabtu 28 februari 2009
gue jam 06.00 bangun tidur, mandi, keramas (siap2 mau jalan kesekolah buat TO). trus jam 06.40 jalan kesekolah dianterin mama naek mobil. jam 11.30 selesai TO, mau pulang dijemput naek mobil (btw nyokap gue nungguin gue TO). pas ampe luar sekolah, kan ada mobil gue tuh tp gada nyokap gue. trus ya gue sms kan nyokap gue, ternyata mobil gue tuh mogok getohh.. nyokap gue lg ama bokap gue ngechars aki mobil. galama nyokap gue dtng, trus kita pulang deh. siangnya sekitar jam 14.00 gue jalan mau ke bogor ke rumah sodara gue (kakanya nyokap gue) sambil nyari makan siang. pas ampe sentul perut gue bunyi kan tuh, trus akhirnya gue, bokap, nyokap keluar tol sentul buat makan siang, kita makan sate kiloan. makan sate ayam, sate kambing, ama gule kambing. lumayan enak ko, murah lagi. satenya tuh potongannya besar2, gulenya juga mak nyuss. udah selese makan, kita lanjut lg ke bogor. sampe bogor santai2 and ngomongin masalah om riki mau kawin. pas sorenya sekitar abis maghrib, gue dan keluarga pergi keluar buat makan (lagi). tdnya mau makan soto banjar tp gajadi soalnya anak2 maunya makan yang laen. akhirnya kita makan di restoran judulnya kedai ecoties. tempatnya tuh yaa cozy abis buat ngumpul brng temen (azek bhsnyeee. gue mesen oyster chicken, buat minumnya gue pesen apple ice tea. enak loh boooo .... hmmmm. abis itu nganterin sodara gue pulang trus gue balik ke jkt. ampe rumah jam 11an, ehh ama bokap gue masih aja disuruh belajar, ya gue langsung tidur aja deh hehe